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Markup and DOM manipulation DSL for Fay

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Morph Example

Explained below.

This is the complete code for this example:

morpher :: Fay ()
morpher = do
    root >>= insert mu
    return ()
        mu = markup !+ pathD dFrom ! fill "cyan" !+ aADR "d" 5.5 9
            ! vs [showD dFrom,showD dTo,showD dFrom] !< Complete
        dFrom = [M 200 200, Q 510 10 320 200, Q 510 510 320 320,
                Q 10 510 200 320, Q 10 10 200 200]
        dTo = [M 10 10, Q 125 75 190 10, Q 125 125 190 190,
                Q 75 125 10 190, Q 75 75 10 10]

This simple example doesn't really have to be scripted, as it has no dynamic portion that couldn't have been written in pure SVG. The markup is quite simple. pathD creates a path element and populate its d attribute with a list of Segments. Using a list of Segment provides type safety and computability that the raw d attribute, a string, lacks.

aADR creates an animation for the attribute d of 5.5 seconds that repeats 9 times (ADR = attributeName, dur, repeatCount). Note that !+ is used as aADR returns Markup, rather than a Primitive. vs makes a values attribute out of a list. Finally, the !< Complete closes all open Elements, in this case path and animate.